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Spotted Tongue 2025 Franconian Rotbier

Spotted Tongue 2025 Franconian Rotbier

Munich Dunkel • All Grain • 5.5 gal

Old Man Stan

Might brew this for the 2025 Oktoberfest picnic.

December 15, 2024 pm 02:13pm

0.0/5.0 0 ratings

Ingredients (All Grain5.5 gal)

  • 6.5 lbs Pilsener; Gambrinus Malting

    Pilsener; Gambrinus Malting

    Processed from the finest Canadian two-row available, this very low protein base malt may be used in all types of European style beers, not only for Pilsner.

  • 5.25 lbs Munich 30 Lov.; Gambrinus Malting

    Munich 30 Lov.; Gambrinus Malting

    A very deeply-kilned Munich malt with color and flavor characteristics of roasted malt and the normally associated mellowness of Munich malt. Perfect for beer needing that hint of redness. The color is 30 Lov and is recommended to be used up to 30% depending on the desired flavor and color intensity.

  • 0.25 lbs Weyermann CaraMunich® III; Weyermann

    Weyermann CaraMunich® III; Weyermann

    Provides body. For Oktoberfest, bock, porter, stout, red, amber and brown ales.

  • 0.25 lbs Special B - Caramel malt; Dingemans

    Special B - Caramel malt; Dingemans

    The darkest of the Belgian crystal malts, Dingemans Special B will impart a heavy caramel taste and is often credited with the raisin-like flavors of some Belgian Abbey ales. Larger percentages (greater than 5%) will contribute a dark brown-black color and fuller body.

  • 0.125 lbs Pale Chocolate; Crisp

    Pale Chocolate; Crisp

    Roasted coffee flavor.

  • 1 oz Hallertauer Mittelfrüher - 3.5 AA% pellets; boiled 60 min

    Hallertauer Mittelfrüher

    Fine, 'Noble'.

  • 1 oz Hallertauer Mittelfrüher - 3.5 AA% pellets; boiled 30 min

    Hallertauer Mittelfrüher

    Fine, 'Noble'.

  • 1 oz Hallertauer Mittelfrüher - 3.5 AA% pellets; boiled 5 min

    Hallertauer Mittelfrüher

    Fine, 'Noble'.

  • Fermentis S-23 Saflager S-23

    Fermentis S-23 Saflager S-23

    This bottom fermenting yeast is originating from the VLB (Berlin) in Germany and is known under the code RH. The strain is used by Western European commercial breweries and has been reported to produce lagers with some fruity and estery notes. Sedimentation: high. Final gravity: medium. Instructions:Re-hydrate the dry yeast into yeast cream in a stirred vessel prior to pitching. Sprinkle the dry yeast in 10 times its own weight of sterile water or wort at 23C ± 3C. Once the expected weight of dry yeast is reconstituted into cream by this method (this takes about 15 to 30 minutes), maintain a gentle stirring for another 30 minutes. Then pitch the resultant cream into the fermentation vessel. Alternatively, pitch dry yeast directly in the fermentation vessel providing the temperature of the wort is above 20C. Progressively sprinkle the dry yeast into the wort ensuring the yeast covers all the surface of wort available in order to avoid clumps. Leave for 30 minutes and then mix the wort e.g. using aeration.


Stumbled across this relatively unknown style on Youtube. Might give it a go for the 2025 Oktoberfest picnic. Mash cool (145) to enhance fermentability and lower terminal gravity.

Style (BJCP)

Category: 8 - Dark European Lager

Subcategory: A - Munich Dunkel

Range for this Style
Original Gravity: 1.051 1.048 - 1.056
Terminal Gravity: 1.012 1.010 - 1.016
Color: 20.2 SRM 17 - 28
Alcohol: 5.1% ABV 4.5% - 5.6%
Bitterness: 26.3 IBU 18 - 28


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