BeerTools Pro version 2.0.24 Update

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Imperial Stout
Imperial Stout
Posts: 1603
Joined: Sun Jan 09, 2000 8:16 pm
Location: Hollywood, SC

BeerTools Pro version 2.0.24 Update

Post by jeff »

A new update is available in My BeerTools.

This update includes fixes, and new ingredients. Please see the release notes below.

It's always a good idea to backup your BeerTools Pro data before updating BeerTools Pro.

Code: Select all

BeerTools Pro 2.0 Release Notes

[Opt] = Optimization
[Fix] = Bug Fix
[Imp] = Improvement on bug, but problems may still exist
[New] = New Feature
[Chg] = Changes Previous Functionality
[Kis] = Known Issue
[Wrk] = WorkAround
[Dep] = Deprecated
[Pat] = Describes a backwards compatibility issue.
[Ref] = Major refactoring, functionality should be identical to

v2.0.24 2019-06-28

[Fix] [All] Fix sorting of hops by alpha acid so they are
            correctly sorted numerically.
[New] [All] Add a checkbox to preferences for automatically
            applying the default location to the library folder
[Fix] [All] Prevent infinite refreshing of recipe folder
            contents causing performance deficits and incorrect
            updates to the info window while open.
[New] [All] New ingredients added to the ingredient database.
[New] [Mac] Compliance with new Gatekeeper requirements.

v2.0.23 2019-03-28

[Fix] [All] Correctly restore sort direction for individual
            folders when closing and reopening the program.
[New] [All] New ingredients added to the ingredient database.

v2.0.22 2018-07-13

[Fix] [Win] Increase font size on Windows version.
[Imp] [All] Reduce error messages thrown when closing the
            shopping list window.

v2.0.21 2018-07-10

[Fix] [All] Sort randomly ordered recipe folder alphabetically.
[Fix] [Mac] Update code signing certificate.
[Chg] [All] All versions built for native 64 bit.
[Chg] [All] Set the “guide” property to “Custom” rather than
            “BJCP” for new styles.
[Chg] [All] Opened up the interface layout to allow more room
            between controls, labels, text and captions.

v2.0.20 2018-07-02

[Chg] [All] Batch sparge editor has a new interface that
            utilizes a list control to manage individual
[Fix] [All] Fixed wackiness that made volume adjustments to
            individual sparges in a batch sparge difficult.
[Fix] [All] Redesigned ingredient, equipment, schedule, volume
            adjustment, and packaging editors to provide more
            room for labeling.
[Chg] [All] Moved the search field to above the contents list
            since it only affects results from that list.
[Fix] [All] Turned on file renaming for recipe save button in
            main window toolbar to match functionality of the
            corresponding menu item.

v2.0.19 2017-07-24

[Fix] [All] Fixed high resolution display of add and subtract
            button icons on the shopping list window.
[New] [All] Added very basic whirlpool stage hop utilization
            estimates for hops added after flameout.
[Chg] [All] Renamed Post-Boil stage label to Whirlpool/Flameout
            for hops in the English translation.
[New] [All] False bottom volume can be specified for vessels and
            can be excluded from mash thickness calculations if
            enabled in preferences.
[Fix] [All] Some windows that ignored unit preferences have been
            fixed, and serving and unit sizes are initialized
[Fix] [All] Fixed refresh issue that caused calculators window
            to show 0.0% utilization for the basic algorithm
            when first opening the window.
[New] [All] New ingredients added to the ingredient database.

v2.0.18 2017-01-22

[Fix] [All] Fixed a bug that caused license information to be
            incorrectly stored preventing the program from

v2.0.17 2017-01-18

[Fix] [Mac] Fixed recipe file type irregularities that occurred
            on Mac OS X such as the version 2.0 app missing from
            the “Open With” context menu function.
[Fix] [Win] Fixed help menu link for opening help topics with
            first time installations on Windows.
[Fix] [Win] Fixed text labels that get cropped on some windows
            including ingredient editors.
[Fix] [All] Adjusted font settings so print-outs look better on
            all platforms.
[New] [All] Brewing schedule notes are included with each
            schedule step on print-outs.

v2.0.16 2016-06-11

[Fix] [All] The currently loaded recipe saves correctly if it is
            moved from one folder to another while open.
[Fix] [Lnx] BTPconnect access has been restored for Linux.
[New] [All] New ingredients added to the ingredient database.

v2.0.15 2016-06-09

[Fix] [Mac] Fixed icons in connections window so they display
            properly on retina displays.
[Fix] [All] Greatly improved the performance of accessing online
            recipes and other online resources.
[New] [All] New ingredients added to the ingredient database.

v2.0.14 2015-12-14

[Fix] [All] Fixed a problem where some users could not register
            when pasting their name or license key in the
            registration window.
[New] [All] Library folder settings such as expanded and sorting
            are now remembered and restored when navigating the
            library folder tree.

v2.0.13 2015-10-20

[Fix] [All] Fixed incorrect Portuguese translation of “ounces”
            as “gramas” instead of “onças”, which caused
            confusion when converting units.
[Fix] [All] Fixed error code 102 errors that occurred when
            adding or deleting recipes from the online folder,
            and during other online operations.

v2.0.12 2015-05-13

[New] [All] New BJCP 2015 style guidelines added.
[New] [All] Style editor updated with new layout and new fields
            added such as Variant and Tags.
[Fix] [All] Text export uses the gravity units specified in the
            recipe rather than always displaying specific
[Fix] [All] Scaling a recipe according to efficiency is
            performed correctly following changes to the
            efficiency field while the scaling button is not

v2.0.11 2015-02-27

[Fix] [All] Fixed problem that prevented the name and notes
            fields of the batch sparge editor from being saved
            when clicking OK.
[Fix] [All] Fixed issue that prevented dependent values from
            being updated when batch sparge temperature, volume
            and duration values changed.
[Chg] [All] Hops with unspecified form are now subject to
            gravity correction when estimating hop utilization.
[Chg] [All] Volume tab labels rebuilt to improve menu selection
            and to implement automatic updating when elevation
            value changes.

v2.0.10 2014-08-12

[New] [All] Modified database and interface for compatibility
            with new BJCP 2015 guidelines.
[Chg] [All] Revised how FG-CG difference is calculated affecting
            extract yield calculations.
[Fix] [All] Implemented a fix that prevents redundant
            calculations when not actually changing a value in
            an edit field that receives and loses focus.
[New] [All} Added the drop down menu arrow next to the date in
            the recipe list to make it more clear that the date
            displayed can be changed.
[New] [All] Implemented multi-user license recognition.

v2.0.9 2014-07-20

[Fix] [Win] Fixed missing pint glass graphic on recipe
[Fix] [All] Schedule list automatically updates after
            preferences are changed.
[Chg] [All] Confirmation is now the default action on delete
            item alert dialog windows.
[New] [All] The .btp XML schema allows third-party data to be
            saved along with recipe data inside the
            <b:Extra/> container elements. Extra data is
            preserved but not altered when files are opened and
[New] [All] Hop utilization can be manually entered in the
            recipe list overriding the current hop utilization
[Chg] [All] The calibration icon is changed to a reset icon in
            the schedule step editors.
[New] [All] New ingredients added to the ingredient database.

v2.0.8 2014-03-05

[Fix] [All] Carbonation calculations correctly refresh after
            adding or editing volume adjustments.
[Imp] [All] Improved alphabetical sorting of recipes,
            ingredients and other library items.
[Imp] [All] Print resolution for graphics improved.
[Fix] [Mac] Fixed evaporation mode and original gravity mode
            icon rendering on retina displays.
[Fix] [All] Prevented use of infinite and undefined numbers in
            schedule calculations causing unpredictable results
            and possible program crashes.
[Fix] [All] The heating vessel in the mash-in step is preserved
            in saved files when it is the same as the mashing
[New] [All] Water chemistry data is scaled with the rest of the
            recipe when scaling by final volume.
[Imp] [All] Improved the layout of some editor windows to allow
            labels to display fully in some languages.
[New] [All] Added BRL to list of currencies and updated exchange

v2.0.7 2014-02-15

[Chg] [All] Disabled ability to establish connections with the
            same account as logged in user.
[New] [All] Added summary data to print-outs.
[Fix] [Lnx] Restored mouse events on volume, efficiency and info
            tabs so they can be selected by clicking.
[New] [All] Extracts and adjuncts can be specified at later
            stages such as primary and secondary fermentation,
            and storage.
[New] [All] A new original gravity selection button becomes
            visible next to the original gravity field on the
            analysis tab when the wort and total original
            gravities differ.
[New] [All] Manufacturer/supplier listed with ingredient name in
            the shopping list window.

v2.0.6 2014-01-25

[Imp] [All] Reduced application crashes when saving recipe data
            containing malformed UTF-8 text entered in notes and
            description text fields.
[Fix] [All] Inventory amounts refresh after the shopping list
            window closes to display any changes to inventory
            that may have occurred.
[Fix] [All] The calculator and info window open or closed state
            is restored between program launches.
[New] [All] New ingredients added to the ingredient database.

v2.0.5 2013-12-30

[Fix] [All] Fixed incorrect loading of custom hop utilization
[Chg] [Mac] Preference files are saved in a different location
            than previous versions of BeerTools Pro.
[New] [All] Volume temperatures are persistent when loading
            recipes, opening new recipe windows and between
            program launches.
[New] [All] Protein rest and saccharification rest temperatures
            added to the volume temperature choices.
[New] [All] Evaporation can be represented as total volume or
            volume per hour by clicking the settings button next
            to the evaporation field.

v2.0.4 2013-12-16

[Fix] [Win] Fixed a problem that caused text to reverse when
            typing in the name, author, description and notes

v2.0.3 2013-12-15

[Fix] [All] Recipe name, author, date, description and notes
            now update correctly after importing a recipe.
[Fix] [Lnx] Fixed ignored default settings for migrated
[New] [All] Upon launch program attempts to import older version
            preference file to preserve library folder, max
            undo, unit preference and other settings.
[Fix] [Lnx] Vertical splitter positions are saved between
            sessions and restored when opening new windows.

v2.0.2 2013-12-06

[Fix] [All] Fixed a memory leak caused by a circular reference
            that caused a NilObjectException to appear when
            viewing folders after closing at least one recipe

v2.0.1 2013-10-24

[New] [All] Added keyboard shortcuts for the Calculators and
            Shopping List menu items.
[Fix] [All] Eliminated error message that displayed after
            deleting a recipe from online folders.

v2.0.0 2013-10-23

[Fix] [All] Fixed descending sort for online recipe folders.
[Chg] [All] Removed created and modified selections from the
            recipe list sort menu. Choosing sort by date sorts
            the list according to the currently displayed dates.