Welcome to the new Hop Vine forum! We have upgraded the Hop Vine to include many new features that we hope you greatly benefit from. With the added features come several changes to how you use the new forum.
If you are a BeerTools.com member who registered with the old forum, you must now login using the screen name you identified yourself with. We have made this change to preserve the security of your BeerTools.com account.
If you are a BeerTools.com member who has never used the forum before, you must register a separate forum account in order to post. The forum account is not synchronized with your BeerTools.com account.
If you made some posts in the old forum and you can't find them, you can check in the forum called BeerTools.com. If they are not there, then look in the forum it most likely fits in because we made an effort to categorize the old posts. If you are still having trouble, try the new powerful search feature; we are pretty sure you will find your posts because we transfered them all.
We are excited to bring you this new forum and we hope you have a great time using it!
Forum Staff
To all BeerTools.com forum users!
Moderator: jeff